As a leader in professional cosmeceuticals and anticipating the trends of the coming years, GIGI has created a unique, para-medical line based on retinoids and an innovative combination of acids, with an individual proportion of the content for each drug, the use of which gives a breakthrough effect in anti-age therapy, transforming the appearance skin, restructuring its functionality. The use of line preparations starts regenerative processes in cells and protects them with the help of powerful antioxidants. Ideal products to accelerate the renewal of epidermal cells and improve skin texture by smoothing wrinkles. A cocktail of high-tech active ingredients contribute to the formation of new young elastic fibers. Each of the drugs is close in effect to the course of medical procedures.
Active components of the RETIN A line
Trichloroacetic acid is the ultima ratio in cosmetology, the most effective component of peels. It allows, without surgical intervention, to achieve, in many respects, a similar effect, restoring the relief of the skin surface. After peeling sessions with trichloroacetic acid, dead, keratinized cells are removed from the skin, age spots disappear, fine wrinkles become invisible. There is a partial removal of the middle and upper layer of the skin. It has a pronounced bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and cauterizing effect. An effective cleansing effect is achieved due to the properties of trichloroacetic acid:
- Cleansing properties - the acidic environment perfectly cleanses the surface layer of the epidermis, making the skin smooth and clean.
- Regenerative properties - when exposed to the deep layers and cells of the dermis, their proliferation (the birth of new cells) increases, which ultimately leads to an increase in the barrier properties of the skin.
- Anti-inflammatory effect - the effect of acid and other active components of the composition significantly narrows the pores, reducing the secretion of fat by cells.
- Stimulating effect - the expansion of blood capillaries during deep peeling enhances metabolic processes and stimulates the production of collagen.
- Antimicrobial action - the acidic environment of the composition destroys all pathogenic flora, which causes inflammation in the skin
Pyruvic acid - has a keratolytic, dermo-modeling effect. When applied to the skin, pyruvic acid acts on the top cell layer and removes it. Penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, it activates the processes of cellular regeneration, after which it is converted into lactic acid, providing an additional bacteriostatic and sebostatic effect, and also effectively moisturizes the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The acid effectively stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin and glycoproteins. It has a rejuvenating and firming effect.

Ferulic Acid – Ferulic acid is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. It is an antioxidant that can neutralize several different types of free radicals at once. It is a polyphenolic compound that has an anti-inflammatory and whitening effect (tyrosinase inhibitor). Ferulic acid is also used in cosmetics as a direct antioxidant and as a UV absorber (in combination with other physical or chemical filters). Ferulic acid is a more effective antioxidant than alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), beta-carotene, and various ascorbic acid metabolites. Quite often it is used as an antimicrobial agent.

Glycolic acid is the source of glycolic acid from sugar cane. The main property of glycolic acid is a complex rejuvenating effect. The anti-aging effect is achieved due to the keratolytic, exfoliating and cleansing action, as well as brightening and accelerating the stimulation of collagen synthesis. Glycolic acid solves the most difficult aesthetic problems, reduces the signs of aging, improves the appearance of the skin and its texture.

Salicylic acid - effectively fights bacteria and prevents the appearance of dermal inflammation, relieves pustular rash, accelerates the healing process of wounds. Salicylic acid effectively exfoliates dead skin cells, cleanses oily skin, frees pores from dirt and sebum residues, has a drying effect and reduces sebum production.

Nicotinic acid - contributes to the activation of cellular respiration, accelerates metabolic processes, expands small vessels, participates in hematopoiesis. The use of nicotinic acid is recommended to maintain a healthy complexion, stimulate cell regeneration, and prevent loss of collagen and moisture.

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that belongs to the class of polyphenols. This natural substance reliably protects the skin from photo damage. Resveratrol in cosmetics has incredible benefits for the skin, the main of which is protective. When applied topically, it protects against sun damage, stimulates collagen synthesis, and reduces free radical damage to cells. This component, among other things, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and helps to relieve redness or rash on the skin with aesthetic problems of varying degrees of complexity - from acne to exacerbation of rosacea and eczema.

Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A. Retinol is synthesized through two enzymatic reactions. It is light sensitive, like other retinoids, and is a low molecular weight compound that allows it to easily penetrate cell membranes. Retinol is an important biological molecule that affects the growth and maturation of epithelial cells. There are various biologically active forms of retinol that act on different receptors. Indications for the use of retinol: mimic wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, decreased collagen production, skin spots, photo- and chrono-aging, acne, hyperpigmentation.

Physiological aging of the skin
Skin with signs of photodamage and photoaging
Mature dehydrated and atonic skin
Hyperpigmentation of any origin
Uneven skin texture, cicatricial changes
Problematic skin, adult acne and post-acne

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