маска против акне

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A mask with an enhanced therapeutic effect, aimed at all links in the pathogenesis of seborrhea and acne. Absorbent components remove excess sebum from the skin surface, which is a breeding ground for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Keratolytics easily get rid of dead cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Due to this, bactericidal components penetrate deep into the skin, preventing the reproduction of Propionbacterium acne. The mask improves the resorption of infiltrates, heals, activates microcirculation. It contains active substances in high concentration and acts on the skin very actively, so it should be applied only to the affected areas.

chamomile extract
magnesium carbonate
zinc oxide

MAGNESIUM CARBONATE - has a resolving effect, absorbs excess sebum, maintains the natural pH of the skin. CHAMOMILE EXTRACT - has a pronounced antiseptic, soothing and anti-allergic properties. The desensitizing effect is provided by the presence of chamazulene. NMF is a natural moisturizing factor (a combination of natural ingredients that maintain the level of moisture in the stratum corneum of the skin). BIOECOLIA is a new pharmacological preparation that prevents the development of microbes that cause acne, enhances local immunity. SULFUR - a sulfur-containing ingredient, promotes loosening of the stratum corneum, promotes better penetration of medicinal substances. TRIKLOZAN - the drug has a strong bactericidal effect, inhibits the ability of microorganisms to reproduce. LIPACID - lipoaminoacid is similar in formula to benzoyl peroxide (benzoyl peroxide, being the strongest antiseptic, overdryed the skin, which in turn led to an increase in existing keratinization). The latest development in medicine is an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory drug that increases local immunity. Has no side effects.

After washing your face with Lipacid soap, apply a thin layer of the mask on the affected skin for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, then cold. It is used 2-3 times a week in the acute stage. After removing the mask, apply Treatment gel and moisturizer locally